Don't know if you're still using this, but would you ever consider doing animation? (in any form)
-Hehe, get it? Like art and android?
-Just your average robot enjoyer.
Joined on 5/3/21
Don't know if you're still using this, but would you ever consider doing animation? (in any form)
I’ve considered it. I might if I get the time. Though it’d likely be simple gifs
Would you care to draw Aidee in your new style? (if you aren't already working on her)
I like the rate you are going at and the topics you chose to draw throughout my viewing. I have been enjoying a lot from just your main robot.
Do you have other robots that could get involved with mini-comics?
Thanks for the input. I don’t have any other original robot characters other than Nikon, but I’d love to try and come up with some new ones.